How adopting Kubernetes for business can increase efficiency and save money

Kubernetes is a key technology in the cloud-native ecosystem.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Kubernetes provides a robust set of features that make it easy to manage containers at scale, including automated container deployment, scaling, and orchestration, as well as automated rollouts and rollbacks, self-healing, and automated scaling.

What does it mean to be cloud-native?

Being cloud-native means developing applications that are optimised for the cloud environment. Cloud-native applications are designed to be scalable, resilient, and flexible, and they take advantage of cloud technologies such as containers, microservices, and serverless architectures. These applications are designed to run in a cloud environment, whether that's a public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud.

To be cloud-native with Kubernetes, developers must take advantage of Kubernetes' features to design and deploy applications that are optimised for the cloud. Kubernetes provides a number of key features that enable cloud-native development, including:

Containerization: Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy and manage containerized applications, which are lightweight and portable.

Scalability: Kubernetes enables automatic scaling of containers to meet changing demand, ensuring that applications can handle traffic spikes without downtime.

Resiliency: Kubernetes provides self-healing capabilities that ensure that applications can recover from failures without manual intervention.

Flexibility: Kubernetes enables flexible deployment options, including on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment.

Automation: Kubernetes automates many of the tasks associated with application deployment, scaling, and management, reducing the burden on developers and IT operations teams.

Benefits for businesses

Certainly, there are many benefits for businesses in adopting a cloud-native approach with Kubernetes. Here are some of the key advantages:

Faster Time to Market: With Kubernetes' automation capabilities and cloud-native architecture, businesses can develop and deploy applications faster, enabling them to bring new products and services to market more quickly.

Greater Scalability: Kubernetes enables automatic scaling of containers to meet changing demand, ensuring that businesses can handle traffic spikes without downtime. This can be especially beneficial for businesses with unpredictable or seasonal demand.

Increased Resilience: Kubernetes' self-healing capabilities ensure that applications can recover from failures without manual intervention, reducing the risk of downtime and improving application reliability.

Improved Efficiency: By automating many of the tasks associated with application deployment, scaling, and management, Kubernetes can free up IT operations teams to focus on other areas of the business.

Lower Costs: Kubernetes' containerization and automation capabilities can help businesses reduce infrastructure costs by optimising resource utilisation and minimising downtime.

In summary, adopting a cloud-native approach with Kubernetes can help businesses to innovate faster, scale more efficiently, and reduce costs, ultimately enabling them to compete more effectively in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

How to build cloud-native applications with Kubernetes?

To build cloud-native applications with Kubernetes, developers should follow a few key principles:

Use containerization: Develop applications using containers to ensure that they are lightweight and portable.

Use microservices: Break applications down into small, independent services to enable greater flexibility and resilience.

Use automation: Use Kubernetes' automation capabilities to automate deployment, scaling, and management tasks.

Use cloud-native services: Take advantage of cloud-native services such as serverless computing and managed databases to simplify application development and deployment.

Use continuous delivery: Implement continuous delivery practices to enable rapid iteration and deployment of new features and bug fixes.


Kubernetes is a powerful tool for building cloud-native applications. By leveraging Kubernetes' features, developers can design and deploy applications that are scalable, resilient, and flexible. Cloud-native applications are designed to run in a cloud environment, taking advantage of cloud technologies such as containers, microservices, and serverless architectures.

With Kubernetes, developers can automate many of the tasks associated with application deployment, scaling, and management, enabling faster development cycles and more frequent deployments.